When to get on: This one is pretty simple, folks. You get on the elevator after the people on the elevator have gotten off. It's not a race to see who can get into the box the fastest after the doors slide open. How many times have you gotten to your floor and stood by the door, ready to step out into the hall, when all of a sudden you're standing face to face with Impatient Isaac, who's poised to stride onto the elevator with no regard for anybody else? Wait the three seconds for people to step off the elevator. You won't miss your shot at the elevator ride of a lifetime. It'll all be okay, I promise.
Number of floors: If you take the elevator up one level and you're not handicapped, fuck you. Drag your lazy ass up one flight of stairs and maybe you'll shed a few pounds. Someone should build an elevator with a function where if you press the button to go up or down just one floor, Mike Tyson comes out and punches you in the throat. The elevator is made for people who are physically unable to take the stairs and for people who have to go to the 15th floor. It's not made for you to use after your exhausting 100 yard walk from the parking lot.
Talking on the phone: Do not talk on the phone in an elevator. If you're already talking on the phone, don't get into an elevator. It's that easy. Nobody wants to be stuck in a small ass steel cube with you anyway, and they certainly don't want to hear you tell Julie about how Alex is totally hooking up with Hannah but she deserves so much better than him because she's only hooked up with 30 guys this semester and he's hooked up with like 50 girls. You'd think the fact that you lose service in an elevator would be a pretty good deterrent for this behavior, but it's not. Inevitably the phone will drop the call, at which point the person will gaze at the screen with an astonished look as if hundreds of thousands of pounds of concrete and about 6 inches of steel don't usually interrupt their cell service. People suck.
Not holding the door: This one goes two ways. First, hold the door when people are getting on and off the elevator, asshole. Don't just let the doors close on that little old lady and act like there's nothing you could have done about it. Now on the other hand, if you're running up to the elevator and the doors are halfway closed, don't scream "HOLD THE DOOR!" Um, no, screw you. If you think I'm risking my arm so that you can avoid waiting two minutes for the next elevator, you're delusional. I also don't have the lightning-fast reflexes required to find and press the "open door" button within 1.5 seconds. You're taking the next elevator, and I don't feel bad about it at all.
Elevator capacity: Contrary to popular belief, you cannot fit an entire city's population into an elevator. I don't care how short the ride is, I don't want to be pressed up against somebody just because the last 6 people didn't want to wait for the next elevator. Guys, elevators are not rare animals. I've seen a bunch of them in my short 21 years. What I'm getting at is that another one will come around, and in less than 3 minutes. You don't need to pack into it like white girls into a brand new Starbucks.
People really need to learn how to properly use elevators. It's not challenging. It's actually just about the easiest thing you could do. All you have to do is be a respectable human being, a quality that continues to escape an astounding percentage of our population.
The next time you take an elevator, just open up Cole's Complaints if you need to remind yourself how you should act. Good luck on those elevators this week. It's a jungle out there.